Wednesday, July 20, 2011


One of our former Chief Ministers was fond of telling everyone he met that his wish is to turn Bangalore into another Singapore. Well, that wish may not have been fulfilled, but our fair city is certainly earning other sobriquets!

Bangalore has become the hot new destination for the world’s leading music groups and bands, so much so that it would not be out of place to call it "SINGapore".

Some time ago, when we received a herd of lions as guests at our own Bannerghatta Zoo, Bangalore seemed to have turned into a real "Simhapura" (which was what Singapore used to be called in earlier times).

Now that the rains have started and our few remaining good roads are beginning to crack up, our city can be temporarily renamed "SingaPOUR".

Meanwhile, the numerous agencies that have been entrusted with the task of improving our infrastructure laying optic fibre cables to network the city, to repair the roads, to build flyovers, to chart out the course of the Meandering Metro and generally to make a mess of this once beautiful city, haven’t quite completed their task, and have left yawning gaps all over the place, prompting the name SinGAPore for our great city!

And with so many reports of persons going missing every now and then, can we call our city MISSINGapore?

So what’s your take on this city?